Rules & Regulations
  • You must play the golf ball where it lies unless there is a rule that allows you to move it.
  • The golf course may not be changed to gain an advantage unless there is a rule that allows for a specific change.
  • If your ball is in a bunker or water hazard, your golf club cannot touch the ground or water before your actual swing.
  • If it does, you must take a penalty stroke. If you accidentally play the wrong golf - ball (oops!), you get a two-stroke penalty.
  • On the green, you may mark and lift your ball to clean it or get it out of another golfer's way. When putting the ball must not hit the flag.
  • If the golf ball does hit the flag, it is a two-stroke penalty. If you lose the ball in a water hazard, you can drop the ball behind the hazard and in line with the golf hole.
  • You must take a penalty stroke. If you lose the ball out of bounds, you can take a penalty stroke and then replay the shot.
  • If your ball is unplayable, you may take a penalty stroke and then drop the golf ball behind where the ball was and in line with the hole or drop the golf ball within two club-lengths clubs lengths you are allowed a maximum of 14 clubs in your golf bag.
  • Golfers must tee off behind and between the tee markers. Never in front of the tee markers.

  • Golf etiquettes:
  • Do not talk when your opponent is hitting
  • Do not drive your golf cart on the tee boxes or the green
  • Do not run on the green
  • Mark your scorecard correctly
  • When your opponent is putting do not move or stand behind the flag
  • Do not step on your opponent’s line on the putting green
  • Always make your golf cart invisible so it does not interrupt your group or the groups ahead and behind you.
  • Do not shout on the golf course so no player gets interrupted
  • Aways wait for your group to tee off before you start walking to your ball